Dave Wilbur's Rock Lab Logo

Nurture your childs musical talent

Dave Wilbur - Director Kyle McCann Mike Waldvogel - Voice Melanie Shore - Keyboards and Piano
Jessie Quebbeman-Turley - Drums Rock Lab Interns Isaac Payne - Drums Bryce - Voice
Emily Golightly - Guitar and Keyboards Shannon Ricks - Voice Kristy Borget - Keyboards, Piano and Guitar Danielle Aslett - Drums and Percussion
Bogie Bowles - Drums Jenny Jenson - Voice Rachel Curtis - Keyboards and Piano Guy Golightly - Guitar

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As this part of our website is password protected, we give you permission to use our propriety information stored here as tools to aid your learning. This use is limited to our active students/parents or legal guardians and we do not authorize for the login/password or documents be shared without our written consent.

Thank you for helping to protect the Rock Lab's property. Rock on!

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